PEGCC Releases Whitepaper Highlighting the Interdependence Between Private Equity and Pension Funds
On Thursday, the PEGCC submitted a whitepaper to the House Ways and Means Committee Working Group on Pensions and Retirement called “Long-Term Commitments: The Interdependence of Pension Security and Private Equity.” The report highlights the significant amount of capital pension funds commit to private equity and the financial gains they receive from the outperformance of these investments.
Pension fund commitments make up to 43 percent of overall private equity investment, making them essential to private equity’s ability to grow and create value for the companies in which they invest. In turn, pension funds benefit greatly from the superior returns delivered by private equity. At the end of the day, these returns help strengthen the retirement funds of policemen, fire fighters, teachers and more across all 50 states.
View our white board video below to learn more about who benefits from private equity investment.