Update from CEO Steve Judge

The Private Equity Growth Capital Council has been very busy over the last few months. Here’s a snapshot of what’s been happening:

PEGCC is pleased to announce Adams Street Partners has become a new member.

The Council engaged in significant grassroots activity during the last quarter in six key states – Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Ohio, and Wisconsin – with the goal of identifying champions who support issues important to our industry.

The Council fielded and launched a new Private Equity Decision Makers Survey that found that nearly three fourths of private equity professionals responsible for investment decisions say a majority of their portfolio companies are hiring and making new investments. You can read more about the survey here.

In late June, the PEGCC released their fourth annual investment report, “Private Equity: Top States and Districts,” breaking down the $443 billion in private equity that’s invested in U.S.-based companies. PEGCC was able to garner 46 earned media stories in various markets across the country that highlighted the importance of private equity investment in states and districts. Publicizing research like the Decision Makers Survey and Top States and Districts report helps PEGCC communicate the industry’s value proposition to Members of Congress and staff on Capitol Hill.

PEGCC’s Annual Meeting and Member Dinner was a great success.  Approximately 60 members gathered in Washington D.C. June 11-12, with speakers including Dr. Ben Bernanke, political analyst Stu Rothenberg, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, and Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Sarah Bloom Raskin.

The private equity and growth capital industry faces legislative, regulatory, and public affairs challenges that could change the future landscape for private equity firms in the U.S. That’s why the PEGCC is engaging in national conversations in order to proactively defend the industry.