PEGCC Releases Video Series on Private Equity Basics

Educational “Private Equity Minute” Series Features Professor Colin Blaydon of Dartmouth College Explaining the Fundamentals of Private Equity

WASHINGTON – The Private Equity Growth Capital Council (PEGCC) released Private Equity Minute, a six-part video series featuring Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business professor Colin Blaydon. The series is a primer on the private equity model and how value is created for private equity-backed companies.

“Private equity is an essential part of a growing and dynamic U.S. economy, but it’s often misunderstood,” said Steve Judge, President and CEO of the PEGCC. “Our aim with this series is to provide an educational resource for individuals interested in the industry. It was excellent to partner with Professor Blaydon and have him apply his expert knowledge to distill private equity and explain how the business model works.”

The series provides a step-by-step description of how funds are organized, the relationship between general and limited partners, and the incentives that make private equity investments successful.

“The way the private equity sector of our economy is structured is unique,” said Professor Blaydon. “My goal in these videos is to help people unfamiliar with the industry understand how it works, who’s involved, and how it has consistently created value for limited partner investors for decades.”

The entire series, separated by individual chapters, can be found here:

Chapter 1: Private Equity Basics

Chapter 2: How Private Equity Funds are Organized

Chapter 3: The General Partner /Limited Partner Relationship

Chapter 4: Incentives

Chapter 5: The Life Cycle of an Investment

Chapter 6: Creating Value


The Private Equity Minute series is part of the PEGCC’s ongoing “Private Equity at Work” campaign to help educate policymakers, the media, and the general public on the benefits of private equity investment.

About the Private Equity Growth Capital Council

The Private Equity Growth Capital Council (PEGCC) is an advocacy, communications and research organization and resource center established to develop, analyze and distribute information about the private equity and growth capital investment industry and its contributions to the national and global economy. Established in 2007 and formerly known as the Private Equity Council, the PEGCC is based in Washington, D.C. The members of the PEGCC consist of the world’s leading private equity and growth capital firms united by their commitment to growing and strengthening the businesses in which they invest. More information about the PEGCC can be found at