Private Equity and Financial Fragility during the Crisis (2017)
Private Equity Buyouts and Workplace Safety (2017)
The Power of Buy and Build: How Private Equity Firms Fuel Next-Level Value Creation (2016)
How Do Private Investments Perform Compared to Public Equity (2015)
Private Equity and Industry Performance (2014)
Do Fund Managers Earn their Fees? Compensation, Ownership, and Cash Flow Performance (2012)
The Performance of Reverse Leveraged Buyouts (2009)
Private Equity in the Global Economy: Evidence on Industry Spillovers (2018)
Is Private Equity Good for Consumers? (2017)
Private Equity Investment and Local Employment Growth: A County-Level Analysis (2016)
The Effects of Private Equity and Venture Capital on Sales and Employment Growth in Small and Medium Sized Businesses (2014)
Private Equity, Jobs, and Productivity (2013)
Review of Alternative Asset Managers’ Involvement with Life & Annuity Insurers (2022)