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Private Equity Fundraising; Notable Trends in 2020

The private equity fundraising market remains robust and competitive. Notably, the current fundraising environment is facing growing pressure from limited partners (“LPs”) and regulators at home…

Private Equity is Investing in Super Tuesday States

As the 2020 presidential election unfolds, the AIC is highlighting private equity’s positive economic impact in early primary and caucus states. With voters in Texas…

New York City Bar Association Releases Report on Compliance Officer Liability; Makes Four Recommendations to Regulators

New York, February 4, 2020 – Compliance Officers face unnecessary risks that undermine effectiveness and regulatory goals, according to the “Report on Chief Compliance Officer Liability in…

Top Moments of 2019

Thank you for working with us over the past year. Here’s a look back at some of the top AIC moments of 2019: 1. Promoting Private Equity’s Economic Impact 2. Highlighting PE Success Stories 3….

The reputation we deserve: how private equity can create value and shape the future of work

What’s the number one priority when working on a deal? According to our latest report on the private equity (PE) industry, it’s value creation. This is a laudable goal—but when 70% of survey…

Local Media Across the Country Cover AIC Reports

Local media across America has covered recent American Investment Council (AIC) reports that highlight private equity’s positive impact in communities. Read excerpts from articles and…

??? Popeyes Chicken Sandwich  ???

Popeyes chicken sandwich is back… thanks to private…

AIC Blog: Offering More Context on the New Harvard-University of Chicago Study

A new report by researchers at Harvard University and the University of Chicago affirms just how essential private equity investments are to countless businesses that are looking to grow….

ICYMI: Private Equity “Led the Way” for Pensions Across America

Over the last several weeks, public pension funds across America have announced their returns for…

ICYMI: Wall Street Journal Editorial on Warren’s Plan to “Increase Government Control Over the Private Economy”

This weekend, the Wall Street Journal editorial board ran the following editorial regarding Senator Warren’s extreme plan targeting the private equity…

Enlightened Capital: The role of trust in impact investing

Is private equity ready for the rise of impact investing? Spurred by shifting societal expectations about the role and responsibility of business in the larger world, impact investing is part…

ICYMI: Private equity buckles up for public battle, round two

Private equity buckles up for public battle, round two Wall Street Journal Pro By Laura Kreutzer July 31, 2019 Private-equity firms have once again found themselves in the political…

ICYMI: Maloney in The Detroit News: Private equity strengthens public pensions

Yesterday, the Detroit News published an op-ed from AIC President and CEO Drew Maloney. With the Democratic Party…

New Video // Support a Stronger Michigan Economy: Support Private Equity

The private equity industry employs millions of Americans and provides a secure retirement for first…

Maloney in Des Moines Register: Warren’s “Extreme ideas would only hurt the workers she says she wants to help”

Today, the Des Moines Register published an op-ed from AIC President and CEO Drew Maloney highlighting how…