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Comment Letters

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Comment Letters

Testimony of Douglas Lowenstein, President of the Private Equity Council, before the House Financial Services Committee – July 17, 2009

Introduction Mr. Chairman and Members of the Committee, thank you for giving me the opportunity to present the Private Equity Council’s views on creating a forward looking approach to regulating…
Comment Letters

Private Equity Council testimony before Senate Banking Subcommittee

Testimony of Mark Tresnowski, Managing Director and General Counsel Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC on behalf of The Private Equity Council, before the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Securities,…
Comment Letters

The GAO, Private Equity and Pension Fund Investments

Overview In response to a recent study by the Government Accountability Office of pension fund investments in private equity and hedge funds, several members of Congress raised concerns about private…
Comment Letters

Private Equity Council statement on tax legislation approved by House of Representatives

The Private Equity Council issued the following statement on legislation approved today by the House of Representatives that would change the tax treatment of “carried interest” investment income for…
Comment Letters

Private Equity Council issues statement on tax legislation approved by House Committee on Ways and Means

The Private Equity Council issued the following statement on proposals to change the tax treatment of “carried interest” investment income for private equity firms and other partnerships as proposed…
Comment Letters

PEC testimony before the House Ways and Means Committee

Testimony of Bruce Rosenblum Chairman of the Board, The Private Equity Council The Committee on Ways and Means United States House of Representatives Washington, DC Mr. Chairman and members of the…
Comment Letters

PEC testimony before the Senate Finance Committee

Testimony of Bruce Rosenblum Chairman of the Board, The Private Equity Council Before the Senate Finance Committee Washington, DC July 31, 2007 Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee, I am…
Comment Letters

Private Equity and Carried Interest – House

Raising Taxes on Private Equity: Anti-Growth, Anti-Competitive, Anti-Capital Legislation approved November 9, 2007 by the House of Representatives would impose a 130% tax increase on private equity…
Comment Letters

Private Equity and Publicly-Traded Partnerships – S 1624

In A Nutshell – The Case Against S. 1624 S. 1624 is discriminatory. It would prevent private equity firms from becoming publicly traded partnerships (PTPs) while allowing more than 100 other PTPs,…
Comment Letters

PEC testimony before House Financial Services Committee

Testimony of Douglas Lowenstein – President, the Private Equity Council Before the House Financial Services Committee, Washington, D.C. May 16, 2007 Mr. Chairman and members of the committee: Good…
Carried Interest

Private Equity and the Treatment of Carried Interest: An Overview

Carried Interest: What It Is A critical component of the American economic system is the principle that those who create value by their work should be rewarded. Carried interest is just another name…