
New AIC Report: Private Equity Invests & Supports Jobs in New Members’ States and Districts
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the American Investment Council (AIC) released a new report highlighting how the private equity industry supports jobs and invests billions of dollars in the communities…
ICYMI: Public Pensions Turn to Private Assets in 2018
Public Pensions Turn to Private Assets in 2018
By Michael Katz
Chief Investment Officer
January 2, 2018
Public pension plans continued to increase allocations to…
Year in Review: Private Equity’s Positive Impact in 5 Cities Across America
The private equity industry employs millions of Americans and provides a secure retirement for schoolteachers, police officers and other pension holders. The American Investment…
Private Equity Across America: Las Vegas
The private equity industry employs millions of Americans and provides a secure retirement for schoolteachers, police officers, and other pension holders. The American Investment Council is now…
CFIUS: Implications for Private Equity and Venture Capital Firms (Ropes & Gray)
Recent developments have significantly expanded the jurisdiction of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (“CFIUS”), the interagency committee charged with reviewing foreign…
Maloney, Palmer Op-ed in The Hill: “Private Equity is Investing Across Party Lines”
Today, The Hill published the following op-ed from Drew Maloney of the American Investment Council and Brett Palmer of the Small Business Investor…
Prevailing Trends in Private Equity Fundraising (Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP)
2017 was an extraordinary year for private equity fundraising, and 2018 is seeing continued buoyant activity. The negotiation of terms between general partners (GPs) and limited partners (LPs) is…
ICYMI: Private Equity Strengthens Public Pensions Across America
Public pension managers across our country choose private equity investment because it outperforms other asset classes and is a responsible way to diversify their portfolio. By delivering median…
AIC Files Volcker Comments
On Wednesday, October 17th, the American Investment Council submitted the letter of comment to officials at the Federal Reserve, CFTC, FDIC, OCC, and SEC regarding the Volcker Rule. Our letter…
ICYMI: Bloomberg Reports on Private Equity’s Strong Returns for College Endowments Across America
Private equity is helping to boost the returns of college endowments across the country – which helps these schools support students and educators. According to Bloomberg’s recent reporting on 2018…
A Pipeline to Growth (Simpson Thatcher & Bartlett LLP)
Within the next five years, the United States is projected to become the world’s top oil producer.1 Driven largely by the shale revolution and technological advancements in the extraction of tight…
Investment Impact: HMI Cardinal CEO Chris FitzGerald Discusses the Benefits of Private Equity Investment
There are over 4,700 private equity firms all over America, owning and building approximately 32,000 private…
New Report: Private Equity Outperforms Public Markets Across the Short and Long-Term
WASHINGTON – The American Investment Council’s Q1 2018 Performance Update shows that private equity returns surpassed public markets across the 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year horizon benchmarks….
Private Equity Across America: Denver
The private equity industry employs millions of Americans and provides a secure retirement for schoolteachers, police officers, and other pension holders. The American Investment Council is now…
Taking Stock: How the SEC’s Enforcement Priorities and Headwinds May Affect Private Equity in 2018 and Beyond (Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP)
Under Chair Mary Jo White, the Securities and Exchange Commission took a number of public steps to make it clear that the SEC’s enforcement program had the private equity industry squarely in its…
How I Built This… with help from Private Equity Investment (Part 3)
National Public Radio’s (NPR) popular How I Built This podcast series highlights nearly a hundred entrepreneurs and business owners who have transformed an innovative idea into a successful…
New Report: Private Equity Invested $99 Billion in U.S. Businesses in First Half of 2018
WASHINGTON – Today, the American Investment Council (AIC) released its 2018 Q2 Industry Investment Report that shows private equity invested $99 billion into U.S. businesses in the first half of…