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Rapid City Journal Columnist: Private equity firms often misunderstood

The Rapid City Journal published a column yesterday explaining private equity and its importance for public pension funds like the South Dakota Retirement System (SDRS), which invested ten percent of…

Rapid City Journal: ‘Private equity’ firms often misunderstood

In yesterday’s Rapid City Journal, columnist Rick Kahler said the following about private equity: That is exactly what a private equity company does. It brings together substantial investors,…

‘Quirk’ is a basic tenet of capitalism

Financial Times By Mr Steve Judge. Sir, Daniel Schäfer’s characterisation of the long-standing tax treatment of carried interest as a “scheme” or “quirk” is not only unfair but unfounded, and…

Video: Texas Pension Fund Manager Talks about the Importance of PE

Steve LeBlanc, a senior managing director for private markets for the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS), yesterday appeared on CNBC’s Fast Money to discuss the important relationship between…

Pension Manager Discusses Benefits of PE Partnerships on CNBC

Steve LeBlanc, senior managing director for the Teacher Retirement System of Texas spoke with CNBC’s Fast Money about his fund’s partnership with private equity today, noting that by working with…

Cinci Enquirer: “Private Equity Plays Critical Role”

BUSINESS IN-DEPTH: Under scrutiny, private equity plays critical role Written by Alexander Coolidge and Josh Pichler Vince Nardy has a vision for AFC Industries Inc., the Fairfield company…

Private Equity at Work Releases New Video Featuring Investment in Detroit

Today, Private Equity at Work added a new video case study featuring new advancements being made at the Detroit Medical Center thanks to private equity. You can watch the video here. The Detroit…

Texas Pension Fund Manager Writes About the Importance of PE in a WSJ Op-ed

Steve LeBlanc, a senior managing director for private markets for the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS), penned an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal this morning about the importance of private…

WSJ: Private Equity Keeps Public Pensions Sound

Private Equity Keeps Public Pensions Sound The Wall Street Journal By Steve LeBlanc Thursday, February 16, 2012 Presidential politics has shown a spotlight on a financial sector that was…

2011-Q4 PE Index: Private Equity Activity Declines Slightly in Q4 Despite Increased Investment

PE Index declines in fourth quarter, but finishes above 2010 level. Washington, DC, February 16, 2012 – Despite higher investment levels, overall private equity activity fell during the fourth…

Dodd-Frank Update: PEGCC Files Comment Letter on the Volcker Rule

Dodd-Frank Update: PEGCC Files Comment Letter on the Volcker Rule PEGCC’s Judge: “Private equity firms do not pose systemic risk and whatever limitations the Volcker Rule may place on those who…

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Talks About Private Equity

This week, Yahoo! Breakout spoke with Emil Henry, former Assistant Treasury Secretary of Financial Institutions and founder of the private equity firm Tiger Infrastructure. Henry explained to host…

Texas Pension Fund Manager Talks about PE

Earlier this week, Steven LeBlanc, senior managing director of private markets at Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS), appeared on Bloomberg to discuss the important role private equity plays in…

PEGCC Launches “Private Equity At Work”

Private Equity Growth Capital Council Launches New Education Campaign “Private Equity at Work” to spotlight PE investments driving growth and creating jobs in communities across the…

WSJ: My Experience as a Private-Equity CEO

My Experience as a Private-Equity CEO By Armand F. Lauzon Jr. In the past 10 years, I’ve been the CEO of three companies owned by the Carlyle Group, a major private-equity firm. I’ve watched…

Research Shows PE creates Value

On January 27, The New York Times’ DealBook blog published a piece by PEGCC’s Bronwyn Bailey that argues the body of research on private equity allows one to draw a definitive conclusion about…

PEGCC in USA Today: ‘The ultimate risk-reward model’

In an op-ed appearing in USA Today, PEGCC President and CEO Steve Judge argued that “private equity investment epitomizes the entrepreneurial spirit that fuels America’s economy.” Judge’s…

Welcome to Private Equity at Work.

A new initiative aimed at educating you about the value of private equity. There are a lot of misperceptions about our industry and this website is designed to dispel the myths by providing accurate…

PEGCC Names Steve Judge President and CEO

Private Equity Growth Capital Council Names Steve Judge President and CEO Judge: “Our goal is to engage policymakers, the media, and the public in a national dialogue about how private equity…

PEGCC’s Bronwyn Bailey in NY Times DealBook: Private Equity Creates Value

Another View: Private Equity Creates Value Bronwyn Bailey, Ph.D. is the vice president of research at the Private Equity Growth Capital Council. A recent Deal Professor column by Steven M….