
Steve Judge in USA Today: Private Equity is a Positive Force for the Economy
Opposing view: ‘The ultimate risk-reward model’
By Steve Judge
You wouldn’t know it from the recent political rhetoric, but private equity is a positive force in America’s economy. There…
Get the Facts on Private Equity
Private Equity Fast Facts
There are 2,300 private equity firms in the U.S. In 2010, private equity firms invested more than $148 billion in 1,234 U.S. based companies in 2010.
There are 14,200…
KKR portfolio company Dollar General draws up expansion plans
Dollar General draws up expansion plans
Chain to march into Mass.
By Donna Goodison
The largest of the so-called “dollar stores” plans to expand into Massachusetts this year.
PEGCC Sets the Record Straight on Private Equity
Statement from Steve Judge, Interim President and CEO of the Private Equity Growth Capital Council (PEGCC) in response to recent political attacks that mischaracterize the industry:
“There is a…
PEI: Private Equity to the Rescue
Private Equity to the Rescue
Private Equity International
‘Traditional’ asset classes are expected to produce lackluster returns this year, highlighting once again the importance of private…
NY Times: Private Equity Firm Sees a Future in Flatware
Private Equity Firm Sees a Future in Flatware
By Kevin Roose
New York Times
ONEIDA, N.Y. — Some local residents, when eating out, instinctively turn their utensils upside-down to look for a…
PEGCC Statement on Warren Hellman’s Passing
Washington, DC, December 19, 2011 – Today, Steve Judge, Interim President and CEO of the Private Equity Growth Capital Council, released the following statement on the passing of Warren Hellman,…
Carlyle sells Diversified Machine to Platinum Equity after growing revenue 4.5x & quadrupling workforce
Carlyle Sells Diversified Machine to Platinum Equity
By Michael J. De La Merced
New York Times – DealBook
December 16, 2011
The Carlyle Group announced on Friday that it had sold Diversified…
PEGCC CEO Steve Judge Responds to Krugman Column in NY Times with Letter to the Editor
Private Equity Buyouts
To the Editor:
Paul Krugman’s Dec. 9 column, “All the G.O.P.’s Gekkos,” casts private equity firms as job destroyers, but we believe that the research tells a…
American Banker: Regulators Need to Give PE a Chance to Help Community Banks Thrive
Regulators Need to Give PE a Chance to Help Community Banks Thrive
By Barbara A. Rehm
American Banker
December 14, 2011
Community banks are fighting the wrong battle in Washington.
Why Gingrich is wrong about Bain Capital, corporate takeovers, and private equity
Analysis from Professor Stephen Bainbridge regarding Newt Gingrich’s statements regarding Bain Capital, corporate takeovers, and private equity.
Read the full article.
NRO: Paul Krugman on Private Equity Transactions
Paul Krugman on Private Equity Transactions
By Reihan Salam
National Review Online
December 9, 2011 11:56am
A close friend kindly pointed me to an eye-catching juxtaposition in Paul Krugman’s…
PEI: “Chances of Carry Tax Hike Still Loom”
Partisan gridlock has prevented a so-called ‘Super Committee’ of US lawmakers from agreeing a deficit reduction plan, preserving carried interest under capital gains tax in the short term.
PE Index: Private Equity Activity Slows in Third Quarter
PE Index registers below 10-year moving average as private equity investment and exits decline during the third quarter.
Washington, DC, November 9, 2011 – Private equity activity experienced a…
Cambridge Associates: US Private Equity Continues to Generate Positive Returns
U.S. Private Equity Continues Recovery
November 1, 2011
Amidst a still challenging global macroeconomic environment, private equity and venture capital funds in the US continued to…
PEGCC Statement in Response to the Securities and Exchange Commission Final Rule on Form PF
WASHINGTON DC – Today, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued its final rule on Form PF as part of the Dodd-Frank Act. The rule requires registered investment advisers to hedge funds…
Bronwyn Bailey Joins the Private Equity Growth Capital Council as Head Researcher
Washington, D.C., October 3, 2011 – The Private Equity Growth Capital Council announced today that Bronwyn Dylla Bailey, Ph.D. has joined the organization as Vice President of Research. Bailey…
PEGCC Report: Private Equity Investment Nears $150 Billion in U.S.
New study examining PE investment by country, state, and for the first time congressional district shows PE firms invested in more than 1,200 companies across U.S. last year boosting local economies…
PE Index: Private Equity Activity Remains Steady in Second Quarter
PE Index registers above 10-year moving average as dollar volume and equity investment increases
Washington, DC, August 11, 2011 –Private equity activity continued at a steady pace in the second…
Dodd-Frank Update: PEGCC Files Comment Letter on Incentive Compensation
WASHINGTON, DC, May 31, 2011 – This week, the PEGCC filed extensive comments on the proposed rule calling on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to modify the proposed rules as they apply…