
Private Equity Industry Maintains Upward Trajectory
As PE Index reaches new high since recession, uncalled capital remains a concern
Washington, DC, May 10, 2011 –The Private Equity Growth Capital Council’s (PEGCC) Private Equity Index (PE…
PEGCC Statement in Response to Subcommittee Passage of the Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Douglas Lowenstein, President and CEO of the Private Equity Growth Capital Council (PEGCC) made the following statement in response to passage of The Small Business Capital…
Dodd-Frank Update: PEGCC Files Comment Letter on Independence of Compensation Committees
WASHINGTON, DC, April 28, 2011 – Today, in a letter to the SEC, the PEGCC filed comments on the proposed rule to implement Section 952 of the Dodd-Frank Act, which adds Section 10C to the…
Private equity industry surpasses 2008-2009 performance
Yet PE fundraising remains muted due to record amount of uncalled capital reserves
Washington, DC, February 3, 2011 – The private equity industry continued its strong recovery in the fourth…
Private equity industry continues post-recession rebound, according to new PE Index released by PEGCC
WASHINGTON, DC, OCTOBER 21, 2010 – The global private equity industry in the third quarter continued its rebound from the 2008-2009 recession, but private equity activity has not yet returned to…
Private Equity Council adds 18 new members, changes name to Private Equity Growth Capital Council
WASHINGTON, DC, SEPTEMBER 14, 2010 – Reflecting its expanded and diversified membership, the Private Equity Council announced today that it has changed its name to the Private Equity Growth Capital…
Private equity-backed companies employ more than 6 million Americans, PEC report finds
WASHINGTON, DC, May 4, 2010 – Companies backed by private equity investments provide jobs for more than six million Americans, or more than five percent of all private-sector workers, according to…
Private equity-backed companies weathered “Great Recession” better than peers, new PEC study finds
WASHINGTON DC, MARCH 31, 2010—Private equity-backed companies weathered the “Great Recession” significantly better than comparable businesses, according to a new study released today by the…
PEC issues statement on proposal to raise taxes on growth investments
WASHINGTON, DC, DECEMBER 7, 2009 – The Private Equity Council issued the following statement on provisions of H.R. 4213 (the so-called “extenders” bill), filed today by the House Ways and Means…
Statement on FDIC’s revised guidelines for failed bank investments
WASHINGTON, DC, AUGUST 26, 2009 – The Private Equity Council today issued the following statement on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s revised guidelines for the investment of private…
Private Equity Council supports PE firm registration with SEC
WASHINGTON, DC, July 15, 2009 – In testimony presented to the Senate Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance, and Investment, the Private Equity Council (PEC) today said it supports Obama…
Private Equity Council issues statement on FDIC’s proposed guidelines for investment of private capital in banking institutions
WASHINGTON, DC, July 2, 2009 – The Private Equity Council today issued the following statement on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s proposed guidelines for the investment of private…
Private Equity Council issues statement on Administration’s financial regulatory proposal
WASHINGTON, DC, JUNE 17, 2009 – The Private Equity Council today issued the following statement on the Obama Administration proposal for overhauling regulation of the nation’s financial system….
Private Equity Council issues statement on Secretary Geithner’s proposals on systemic risk regulation
WASHINGTON, DC, March 26, 2009 — The Private Equity Council today released the following statement regarding Treasury Secretary Geithner’s proposal, outlined in testimony before the House Financial…
Private Equity Council issues statement on Public-Private Investment Program
WASHINGTON, DC, March 23, 2009 — The Private Equity Council today issued the following statement on the U.S. Treasury Department’s planned Public-Private Investment Program (PPIP). The statement…
Private Equity Council issues statement on new World Economic Forum study of private equity
WASHINGTON, DC, February 17, 2009 – The Private Equity Council today issued the following statement on the new study of private equity investments issued by the World Economic Forum. The WEF research…
Private Equity Council members adopt guidelines for responsible investment
WASHINGTON, DC, February 10, 2009 -“The Private Equity Council today announced that its members have adopted a set of comprehensive responsible investment guidelines that they will apply prior to…
Large companies backed by private equity outpace peers in capital spending, sales, productivity
WASHINGTON, DC, January 27, 2009 – Large private equity-backed companies substantially outperformed their industry peers in capital spending, sales and productivity in the years following their…
Trade, education, public infrastructure, fiscal policy pose biggests challenges for U.S. global competitiveness
WASHINGTON, DC, December 15, 2008 — The incoming Obama Administration and the new Congress should invest in worker training and education, pursue trade liberalization, accelerate public and…
Private equity’s business model sets it apart from institutions at center of financial crisis, PEC study finds
WASHINGTON, DC, October 16, 2008 — Because of their unique business model, the way they raise capital, the type of investments they make and their modest share of the financial system, private…