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Private Equity Growth Capital Council Launches New Website

WASHINGTON – Today the Private Equity Growth Capital Council unveiled its newly designed website at, complete with an interactive state map that highlights the impact private equity has in…

Fiduciary Proposal Would Bar Certain Retirement Plans from Investing in Private Equity Funds

By Robert J. Raymond, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP The Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) proposed rules expanding the circumstances where a person is considered a “fiduciary” for…

Private Equity Sees Strong Investment in Q3 of 2015

WASHINGTON – Private equity investment increased by 15 percent to $154 billion in the third quarter of this year, according to the most recent Private Equity Growth Capital Council’s (PEGCC)…

CalPERS’ Cites Private Equity as Best Performer, Indispensable Part of Portfolio

CalPERS’ Chief Investment Officer Theodore Eliopoulos said on Monday that private equity is CalPERS’ best performing long-term asset class, offering proof in numbers. For the five years that…

The Hill: Carried interest is a capital gain

By James Maloney: In his Oct. 16 Congress Blog post for The Hill, “What the carried interest tax loophole reveals about our corrupt political system,” Morris Pearl builds an argument based on…

Veterans Initiative Summit

Leadership from Blackstone, Carlyle, KKR and TPG with First Lady Michelle Obama at the inaugural Veterans Initiative…

PEGCC 2015 Annual Meeting and Member Dinner

The PEGCC had a successful 2015 Annual Meeting and Member Dinner in Washington, D.C. at the end of September. Attendees were thrilled to return to The Hay-Adams for the Member Dinner, where they…

The Hill: The case for carried interest

By Mary Petrovich: There is a strong consensus among presidential candidates and the general public that our tax code is too complex and in need of reform. As a business owner, I agree. However, I…

Op-ed: Tune out the growing tax hike chorus

Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel Op-ed: Tune out the growing tax hike chorus By Brett Healy And Patrick M. Gleason An issue recently emerged on the 2016 campaign trail that is uniting a…
Legislative Priorities

Carried Interest Capital Gains

What is it? Carried interest capital gains is important because it serves to align a fund manager’s interests with those of the fund’s limited partners (LPs), like pension funds, university…
Legislative Priorities

Interest Deductibility

What is it? Interest deductibility refers to the allowance under the U.S. tax code for a business to deduct interest expense from its taxable income, currently up to 30 percent of the businesses…

CEO Capitol Hill Day

In photo: left to right – Dina Dwyer, Co-Chair of The Dwyer Group, Maura Mottolese, CEO of Tate’s Bake Shop, Steve Mills, CEO of…

5 Trends and Developments in Private Equity

I Heard it Through the Grapevine: 5 Trends and Developments in Private Equity By Sean Hill and Kerry Fitzgerald, Proskauer While not quite time to sing Auld Lang Syne, 2015 has proven to be an…

Report Shows Private Equity Ideal For Long-Term Investment

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Private equity remains the best source of returns for long-term investors, according to the latest Performance Update Report from the Private Equity Growth Capital Council…

Ryan Ellis on Carried Interest

Forbes: Taxing Carried Interest Capital Gains As Ordinary Income Is a Very Bad Idea By Ryan Ellis, September 4, 2015 Taxing carried interest as ordinary income is a really dumb idea. The title is…

Five actions to take five years into Dodd-Frank

By Jim Low, KPMG While just under two-thirds of its provisions have been implemented, the Dodd-Frank Act remains one of the more controversial pieces of legislation five years in. Dodd-Frank…