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PE Index: Private Equity Activity Slows in Third Quarter

PE Index registers below 10-year moving average as private equity investment and exits decline during the third quarter. Washington, DC, November 9, 2011 – Private equity activity experienced a…

Cambridge Associates: US Private Equity Continues to Generate Positive Returns

U.S. Private Equity Continues Recovery AltAssets November 1, 2011 Amidst a still challenging global macroeconomic environment, private equity and venture capital funds in the US continued to…

PEGCC Statement in Response to the Securities and Exchange Commission Final Rule on Form PF

WASHINGTON DC – Today, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued its final rule on Form PF as part of the Dodd-Frank Act. The rule requires registered investment advisers to hedge funds…
Carried Interest

Americans for Tax Reform: Supercommittee Should Stay Away from Carried Interest Tax Hike

Supercommittee Should Not Hike Capital Gains Rate The Supercommittee will be reporting on a series of policy recommendations in November. One idea they should stay far away from is a capital gains…
Tax Policy

NYSE CEO: Enterprise Value tax hike “poses a threat to our still recovering financial system”

NYSE CEO Takes on Obama’s Jobs Bill By Andrew Joseph National Journal’s Influence Alley October 21, 2011 | 9:00 AM | All those protestors in Zuccotti Park haven’t stopped the CEO of NYSE…

Bronwyn Bailey Joins the Private Equity Growth Capital Council as Head Researcher

Washington, D.C., October 3, 2011 – The Private Equity Growth Capital Council announced today that Bronwyn Dylla Bailey, Ph.D. has joined the organization as Vice President of Research. Bailey…

PEGCC Report: Private Equity Investment Nears $150 Billion in U.S.

New study examining PE investment by country, state, and for the first time congressional district shows PE firms invested in more than 1,200 companies across U.S. last year boosting local economies…

PE Index: Private Equity Activity Remains Steady in Second Quarter

PE Index registers above 10-year moving average as dollar volume and equity investment increases Washington, DC, August 11, 2011 –Private equity activity continued at a steady pace in the second…

Defending Private Equity from a Flawed Picture – The DealBook

In a July 6 post on The New York Times’ “DealBook” blog, Steve Klinsky, Founder and Chief Executive of New Mountain Capital, and Chairman of the Growth Capital Committee within the PEGCC,…

PEGCC Announces New Leadership

On September 1, Steve Judge, the PEGCC’s former vice president of government affairs, was named interim president and chief executive officer of the council, succeeding Douglas Lowenstein.  Before…

Second Quarter PE Index Released

On August 16, the PEGCC released its Private Equity Index (PE Index) for Q2 2011, a metric designed to provide an accurate snapshot of the state of the private equity market.  For the second…

Private Equity Invests More than $148 Billion in 2010

New PEGCC research released last week shows that private equity firms invested more than $148 billion in 1,234 US-based companies during 2010.  The top five states in terms of deal value were…
Carried Interest

Carried Interest, Deficit Reduction and the Super Committee

Congress returned to Washington last week after a month-long recess that followed one of the most contentious political debates in recent memory – whether and how to raise the nation’s debt…

Dodd-Frank Update: PEGCC Files Comment Letter on Incentive Compensation

WASHINGTON, DC, May 31, 2011 – This week, the PEGCC filed extensive comments on the proposed rule calling on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to modify the proposed rules as they apply…

Private Equity Industry Maintains Upward Trajectory

As PE Index reaches new high since recession, uncalled capital remains a concern Washington, DC, May 10, 2011 –The Private Equity Growth Capital Council’s (PEGCC) Private Equity Index (PE…

PEGCC Statement in Response to Subcommittee Passage of the Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Douglas Lowenstein, President and CEO of the Private Equity Growth Capital Council (PEGCC) made the following statement in response to passage of The Small Business Capital…

Dodd-Frank Update: PEGCC Files Comment Letter on Independence of Compensation Committees

WASHINGTON, DC, April 28, 2011 – Today, in a letter to the SEC, the PEGCC filed comments on the proposed rule to implement Section 952 of the Dodd-Frank Act, which adds Section 10C to the…