Top Moments of 2019
Thank you for working with us over the past year. Here’s a look back at some of the top AIC moments of 2019:
1. Promoting Private Equity’s Economic Impact
2. Highlighting PE Success Stories
Private Equity Supports California
Private equity-backed businesses employ millions of Americans and bolster the retirement of public servants across the country, including fire fighters, teachers, police officers, and first…
ICYMI // WSJ: Warren Would Destroy Private Equity – at Everyone’s Expense
Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal published the following op-ed from Andy Puzder, the former CEO of CKE Restaurants, discussing how Senator Elizabeth Warren’s proposed legislation targeting…
The reputation we deserve: how private equity can create value and shape the future of work
What’s the number one priority when working on a deal? According to our latest report on the private equity (PE) industry, it’s value creation. This is a laudable goal—but when 70% of survey…
Local Media Across the Country Cover AIC Reports
Local media across America has covered recent American Investment Council (AIC) reports that highlight private equity’s positive impact in communities. Read excerpts from articles and…
ICYMI: Bipartisan Members of the House Financial Services Committee Stress the Importance of Private Equity
Yesterday, the House Financial Services Committee held a hearing, “Examining the Practices of Private Funds,” which revealed that many members on both sides of the aisle value the important role…
ICYMI: Union Partnerships With Private Equity Create Jobs & Strengthen Retirements
Today, RealClear Policy published the following op-ed co-written by AIC President and CEO Drew Maloney and North America’s Building Trades Union President Sean McGarvey discussing how…
AIC President and CEO Drew Maloney’s opening remarks before the House Financial Services Committee
Today, AIC President and CEO Drew Maloney will testify before the House Financial Services Committee discussing private equity’s positive role in supporting jobs, investing in…
Private Equity Supports Georgia
Private equity-backed businesses employ millions of Americans and bolster the retirement of public servants across the country, including fire fighters, teachers, police officers, and first…