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Enlightened Capital: The role of trust in impact investing

Is private equity ready for the rise of impact investing? Spurred by shifting societal expectations about the role and responsibility of business in the larger world, impact investing is part…

ICYMI: Private equity buckles up for public battle, round two

Private equity buckles up for public battle, round two Wall Street Journal Pro By Laura Kreutzer July 31, 2019 Private-equity firms have once again found themselves in the political…

ICYMI: Maloney in The Detroit News: Private equity strengthens public pensions

Yesterday, the Detroit News published an op-ed from AIC President and CEO Drew Maloney. With the Democratic Party…

New Video // Support a Stronger Michigan Economy: Support Private Equity

The private equity industry employs millions of Americans and provides a secure retirement for first…

Maloney in Des Moines Register: Warren’s “Extreme ideas would only hurt the workers she says she wants to help”

Today, the Des Moines Register published an op-ed from AIC President and CEO Drew Maloney highlighting how…

New AIC Pension Study: Private Equity Delivers Highest Returns For Public Pension Funds

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the American Investment…

Private Equity Invests Across America, Supports Jobs, and Strengthens Pensions

The private equity industry is investing in every state across the country. Our industry supports 5.8 million jobs, invested $3.4 trillion across America over five years, and is currently working…

AIC Issues Statement on Warren’s Harmful Economic Proposal

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, American Investment Council President and CEO Drew Maloney issued the following statement regarding an economic plan proposed by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) that…